September 13, 2011


"Come to Me and rest. Give your mind a break from its habitual judging. You form if judging were your main function in life. But I created you first and
foremost to know Me and live in rich communication with Me."
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Matthew 7:1 Do not judge or you too will be judged.


There was much more that Sarah wrote in today's devotional. She went on to tell us that as part of not judging was to accept our place before God--created to Creator, clay to Potter, subject to King.

We are all of those things, but we are also child to Father. This is an intimate relationship. Connected by God's love for us and our love for Him.

This doesn't give us the right to judge others or situations, but it does let us go to our Father and ask for His perspective on what is going on and why someone is acting the way they are.

Today, let's give our habit of judging over to God, asking Him to reveal to us when we are judging, to repent, begin seeing others through His eyes--with mercy and grace, and then give thanks to God. Let's also, stop judging ourselves so harshly and see God's love and mercy for us. That will definitely lead us to thanksgiving.

one thousand gifts:
#150 papa playing with Amelia
#151 mercy and grace

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