January 25, 2016

100 Buttons

Amelia's kindergartens class was celebrating their 100th day of school. Each student was to pick 100 of any one item they wanted to show their class. Amelia loved playing with Mimi's jar of buttons when she was little and wanted to use buttons for her project.

Later, Amelia decided she would rather sew the buttons on a shirt to wear to school and take 100 Skittles for her class to count. 100 buttons are a lot of buttons...so Amelia, her Mom, and Mimi took turns with the needle and thread.

Congratulations Amelia on 100 days of learning!

January 17, 2016

Bullet Journal

Andy talked me into trying a new system to journal, schedule, and organize. He has been using this way for over a year and really likes it. It is called Bullet Journal, http://bulletjournal.com/. Instead of using a printed calendar or planner, you use a blank notebook. I read and listen to the instructions, looked at a couple of other blogs about bullet journaling, and got suggestions from Andy...then I was ready to start.

I picked a note book that was graph ruled. The graph lines make it much easier to make monthly calendars and divide pages for weekly entries. I gathered my colored gel pens and was ready to start journaling. The best thing about using the Bullet Journal system is that it is totally personalized. I decide on the set up, what I want included, what works for me.

So far I have a title page, an index, 2016 future log, January calendar, weekly logs (Jan1-9, Jan 10-16, Jan 17-23), and goals for 2016. I have set up pages for: Bible Verses and Quotes, Give Thanks, Books Read, Projects, Prayers, and To Buy. Here is a sample...

It was a little "time intensive" at the beginning: setting up the journal, making pages, and the calendar, but I enjoyed the creative process. I have found a few small things that I will change in my future enteries, but am pretty pleased with the system so far. I'll update later on how it is progressing.