November 30, 2011

what am I responsible for?

"Problems are part of life. They are insecapable: woven into the very fabric of this fallen world. You tend to go into problem solving mode all too readily, acting as if you have the capacity to fix everything... Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own...Rather than trying to fix everything that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Luke 10$1-42 But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."


My counselor Mary once told me "You can only be responsible for thing that you have the authority and ability to change." How much time do we waste worrying over things that are not in our control. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't care about others and their problems, but that we should care enough to take it to Jesus and let Him work in their lives. Then we are free to spend time with God and to do what God has asked us to do! What is God asking you to trust Him with today and what is He asking you to do?

one thousand gifts
323. Dad, Mom, and Pat coming to meet Asher Thomas
324. family gathered around my dining room table
325. freedom from responsibility for thing not under my control

November 29, 2011

water in the desert

"In this age of independence, people find it hard to acknowledge their neediness. However I have taken you along a path that has highlighted your need for Me; placing you in situations where you strengths were irrelevant and your weaknesses were glaringly evident. Through the aridity of those desert marches, I have drawn you closer and closer to Myself. You have discovered flowers of Peace blossoming in the most desolate places.

Isaiah 58:11 The LORD will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.


It is easy to look back on the desert places in my life and see how God cared for me and carried me through, but I think it is harder to recognize God's care when you are in the middle of the desert. Is that where you are now--at the end of your strength and overwhelmed by your weaknesses? Take time today to feel God's presence in your life and recognize how He is providing living water to your parched soul.

one thousand gifts
321. Tom feeling better
322. a visit to my chiropractor

November 28, 2011

rest in My unfailing love

"Rest in the deep assurance of My unfailing Love. Let your body, mind, and spirit relax in My Presence. Release into My care anything that is troubling you, so that you can focus your full attention on Me. Be awed by the vast dimensions of My Love for you: wider, longer, higher, and deeper than anything you know. Rejoice that this marvelous Love is yours forever!"
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Ephesians 3:16-19 And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


One of my favorite verses this year! That we could grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ! May you and I rest in that love today!

319. the Christmas tree and all the ornaments that remind me of years gone by
320. Jesus love for us

November 26, 2011

rejoice and be thankful

"This is the day that I have made!... To protect your thankfulness you must remember that you reside in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrow intermingle freely... How precious are My children who remember to thank Me in all times. They can walk through the darkest days with Joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 116:17 To Thee I shall offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and call upon the name of the LORD.


Rejoice and be thankful! Not just on Thanksgiving, but all every day!

one thousand gifts
315. beautiful weather for Tom to put up outside Christmas decorations
316. movie night with Tom
317. Christmas music

November 25, 2011

our Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving holiday began on Tuesday night when we picked Matt up from the bus station. Wednesday was a relaxing day. Tom made pumpkin pies and our traditional
Thanksgiving fudge. Andy, Kelly, Amelia and Asher joined us for dinner and Matt
finally got to meet Asher Thomas.

Asher Thomas and Matt

Kelly's baby and mine!

Matt reading to Amelia

Tom reading to Amelia while she reads to herself

Matt and Amelia on his computer

Too many cooks in the kitchen?
Notice who is missing... my job--clean up!

dinner is served

a time of thanksgiving

more Matt and Asher time

watching Miracle on 34th street

A little Christmas at Thanksgiving
Matt won't be home for Christmas so we had him
open a few presents early!

God has so richly blessed us.
Nothing is more precious than time spent with family.
I pray that you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanking--not worrying

"Thank Me frequently as you journey through today. This practice makes it possible to pray without ceasing... a grateful attitude makes it easier for you to communicate with Me. When your mind is occupied with thanksgiving, you have no time for worrying or complaining." Jesus Calling

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.


When our hearts and minds are focused on God and all that we are thankful for there is no room for worry. What are you thankful for today?

one thousand gifts
314. the holiday of Thanksgiving-- a time with family
and thanking God for all my blessings

November 24, 2011

give thanks

"I have instructed you to give thanks for everything. There is an element of mystery in this transaction: you give Me thanks (regardless of your feelings) and I give you joy (regardless of your circumstances." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Ephesians 5:20 Always give thanks for all thing in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ to God.

I am so thankful for all the gifts that God has given me. He is the giver of all good gifts!

November 23, 2011

tiny treasures from God

"As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one. When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young


James 1:17 Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,...


What a great word picture: all the gifts that God gives us as beautiful flowers--sent to brighten our day and remind us how much God loves us. We can gather these flowers as our day goes on and build a bouquet that we present to God with our thanks! Take time to gather those flowers today.

one thousand gifts
310. Matt here for the holiday
311. Tom backing pies and making soup
312. our neighbor Bill taking our family picture
313. bouquets of flowers from God

photo from

November 22, 2011

language of love

"Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula, it is the language of love, which enables you to communicate intimately with Me." Jesus Calling

Psalm 95:2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;


We have the incredible privilege to communicate with God, how can our hearts not be filled with gratitude!

November 21, 2011


"Thank Me throughout this day for My Presence and Peace...Thanksgiving and praise put you in proper relationship with Me, opening the way for My riches to flow into you. As you thank me for My Presence and Peace, you appropriate My richest gifts." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Hebrews 13:15 Through Him (Jesus) then let us continually offer up the sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.


Give thanks for all the gifts that God has given us... Jesus, the Holy Spirit that lives in us, peace... the list goes on and on. I encourage you to start your own list of "One Thousand Gifts".

one thousand gifts
305. Jesus
306. the Holy Spirit that lives in us and through us
307. peace with God, ourselves, and others
308. rest when I am tired
309. new glasses

photo provided by

November 20, 2011

copying pictures

I am spending this gloomy Sunday afternoon working on my photograph project. I am working on getting all of my photos copied onto my computer and put on flickr. So far I had years 1978-1997, 2009, 2010, and the pictures we've taken so far this year.Today, I copied year 1998. It's kind of a tedious project. I can only scan 4 pictures at one time. Then I have to put them in a folder and write a description for each one. Then I copy the whole bunch to flickr. The upside is looking at old photos and reliving fun memories. In 1998 we went on a Caribbean cruise with our good friends Randy and Cathie Stalter and their kids Aaron and Alex. It was quite an adventure. Alex broke his arm the day before we were to leave. We ran into a snow storm on the drive down to New Orleans and almost didn't make it it time. Cathie had arrange a private boat trip to swim with the sting rays in Grand Cayman that involved walking about a mile and waiting across from a bread company... I was sure that we would be kidnapped, but all was well and we had a great time!! That year was Andy's junior year, so there was prom and induction to Spanish honor society. We visited Tom's mom several times that year and she spent Christmas with us. This was also a year that we had our dog Tucker, so he made it into several pictures. Lot's of memories of family gatherings at Christmas time also. Here are a few pictures from that year:

Randy, Cathie, Aaron, Andy, Matt, Alex, Tom and I on cruise

swimming with sting rays

Tom, Tucker, Matt, and Grandma Faye at her house

Matt's 11th birthday

Andy and Dawn Coyne dressed for their junior prom

Ryan Burner, Andy, Dawn Coyne celebrating Andy's 17th birthday

Tom and his mom Faye

sitting around the table at Bob and Mom's on Christmas Day
Movie night: Dawn, Andy, Matt, and Tom

God's love

"I am pleased with you, My child. Allow yourself to become fully aware of my pleasure shining on you. You don't have to perform well in order to receive My love." Jesus Calling

Ephesians 3:16-18 I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.


How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. True love isn't conditional. Jesus loves us and delights in who we are!

one thousand gifts
302. a special dinner made by a special daughter-in-law, Kelly
303. Keri's visit
304. unconditional love

November 19, 2011

our adventure

Follow Me wherever I lead, with out worrying about how it will all turn out. Think of you life as an adventure, with Me as your guide and Companion... You already know the ultimate destination of you journey: your entrance into heaven. So keep you focus on the path just before you, leaving outcome to me.

Psalm 27:13-14 I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD. Be strong and take courage; yes wait for the LORD.

Psalm 27:13-14 from the Message: I am sure now I'll see God's goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God: take heart. Don't quit. Ill say it again: stay with God.

Life is an adventure, but that doesn't mean that it is all pleasant and exciting. It is like a trek through the jungle, there are many dangers and hardships, but there is beauty along the way. We are to keep our eyes on our Guide, enjoying the precious moments of closeness with Him as we walk, knowing our final destination is Heaven and eternity with Him.

one thousand gifts
300. a wonderful birthday surrounded with family and friends
301. Stephanie and John's "Snowflake" that was viable and implanted!

November 17, 2011

live freely

"There is no condemnation for those who are in Me. Not many Christians know
how to live in this radical freedom, which is their birthright.
I died to set you free; live freely in Me!"
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Romans 8:1-2 There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in
Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
has set you free from the law of sin and death.

John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;


Few Christians know how to live in radical freedom, maybe because we are not taught what our decision to accept Jesus as our Savior really means. We may have been taught that without Christ we are dying in our sin and disobedience and that when we accept His free gift of salvation we have eternal life. We then may have been given Bibles or been invited to a small group or Sunday school and encouraged to learn about the lifestyle of Christians: what to do, what not to do. But freedom doesn't come from learning "the rules", it comes from having a relationship with God, knowing who God is and learning to listen and follow His voice. The voice that we heard calling to us to save us continues to call to us to simply follow Him.

Are you still under the burden of do's and don't or have you listened to God
tell you how much He loves you and to follow Him?

one thousand gifts
296. Tom who knows plumbing and car batteries
297. Sunshine this morning
298. Knowing Jesus

November 16, 2011

old friends and mentoring

I am writing this later today than normal. This morning we finished a visit with old friends... that term used to bother me-- it sounded like we were calling our friends old instead of stating that we had been friends for a long time, unfortunately now the term maybe correct: we have been friends for a long time and we are old! --Sorry Mary Ann and Gaylon, but this truth just came to me!

We met Mary Ann and Gaylon when we were stationed at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha Nebraska. It was our first assignment after Tom finished pilot training. During the two years that we were there, we attended First Baptist Church in Bellevue Nebraska and became involved in a very active Young Married Sunday School Class. The wonderful people from First Baptist and especially that class were a family to us when Tom and I were first learning to be a family.

Tom and I were not only learning to be a family during those two years, we started our family there also. Andy was born on May 5, 1981. Mary Ann and Gaylon had their first child, Daniel on May 4, 1981. In fact, Mary Ann and I shared a hospital room... yes, that was back in the day when women didn't have a birthing suite and actually had to share a room with someone else. I'm sure that experience cemented our friendship forever.

Mary Ann and Gaylon have been a part of Campus Crusade for Christ for almost 30 years and have been overseas for most of that time. We have only been able to see each other a few times over the years. But isn't it funny that the things that drew you to each other and made you friends in the first place are the same things that can erase the miles and the years that have separated you. Last night we got to reminiscent about being young couples and new parents. We got to remember some of the people that were instrumental in our development as families, but also as Christians, those that mentored us. We also got to remember all the friends that we made during that time and the experiences we had.

We caught up on our lives over the last few years. Which have been busy for both of our families. We have become empty nesters. Our son Andy and their three children--Daniel, Stephanie, and Nathan, have gotten married (Nathan just got married a few weeks ago and that is why they are in the US.) They have also become grandparents, as we have. So we had many stories to tell and pictures to share. We also talk about Matt and where he is and what he is doing.

We caught up on what is going on in their ministry. He is a regional manager and Mary Ann has been his office associate for years, but she decided recently to get back to working with people more, so she is starting to do mentoring with young wives and mothers. She has come full circle from being the mentored to mentoring. Isn't that what Titus 2:3-5 is all about!

We had a wonderful visit with them, wish them well with the next part of there visit here, and ask God's blessing on them and their ministry when they return to their home.

November 15, 2011


"Approach problems with a light touch. When your mind moves toward a problem area, you tend to focus on the situation so intensely that you lose sight of me... When a problem starts to overshadow your thoughts bring this matter to Me... You will be surprised at the results. Sometimes you may even laugh at yourself for being so serious about something so insignificant." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

John 16:33 ..."In this world you will have tribulation, but take courage. I have overcome the world."


Today let me keep my eyes on God and His perspective.

November 14, 2011

finished project

"Bask in the luxury of being fully understood and unconditionally loved. Dare to see yourself as I see you: radiant in My righteousness, cleansed by my blood. I view you as the one I created you to be, the one you will be in actuality when heaven becomes your home." Jesus Calling

Psalm 34:5 They looked to Him and were radiant and their faces shall never be ashamed.

II Corinthians 5:2 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we may
become the righteousness of God in Him.


Projects are often tedious. In 2009, I got a digital camera and started storing pictures on my computer. Matt suggested that since our photo albums were starting to fall apart, it would be a good idea to scan all of our old pictures also. That winter I scanned years 1979-1997 and then put away the project for the summer. Of course, last year we were in the process of
getting settled in after our move to Indiana, so I didn't do any scanning.

On Sunday, I decided it was time to work on this project again. Unfortunately, I hit a snag
almost immediately. I located the scanner, but could not find the cords. Tom and I looked
everywhere, but couldn't find them. Tom went on line and ordered a
new set that will be here in a few weeks.

my office while I am working on photo project:

I decided to at least get my pictures organized so that when the cords arrive, I will be ready.

boxes of photos that are already scanned:

box of photos that need to be scanned:
Second snag... I found a box with years 1998-2006, but I couldn't find the years 2007 and 2008. Now those years were pretty hard ones for our family, but I know that we took some pictures. Time to search again.

I found a box of pictures. Next snag... these pictures that are not dated. I began to sort through the box. There were many duplicates of pictures that I knew I had already scanned. So I threw those out. Then I found several pictures that were from 2007, but there didn't seem to be enough for that year and the next. By that time, I was exhausted and frustrated and decided to put the box away. I will save it until after I have finished copying all the other pictures that are dated and then I will try to deal with it.

box to deal with later:

Makes me so thankful that even though I see my life as a work in progress, God sees me as complete, perfect.

one thousand gifts
293. Dora the explorer, Amelia's favorite show
294. photos that remind us of precious moments
295. the finished project of me!

November 12, 2011

overflowing cup

"This is a time of abundance in your life. Your cup runneth over with blessings...I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment. I delight in providing it for you...When a child of mine balks at accepting My gifts, I am deeply grieved. When you receive My abundant blessing with a grateful heart, I rejoice." Jesus Calling

Psalm 23:5 Thou hast prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, Thou hast anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows.


This is a time of incredible blessings for our family with the arrival of Asher Thomas.
My cup does overflow.
Today let's receive all God's blessings!

one thousand gifts
289. veterans and all service men and women
290. friends who help celebrate Asher Thomas' arrival

November 11, 2011


"Don't let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal... The degree to which I strengthen you on any given day is based mainly on two variables:

the difficulty of your circumstances,
and your willingness to depend on Me for help."

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young


Deuteronomy 33:25 ... and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.

I know that I am not strong, but with Jesus power and strength I can do
everything that He puts before me for this day!

November 10, 2011

molding and cleansing

"Focus your entire being on My living Presence. I am most assuredly with you, enveloping you in My love and Peace. While you relax in My Presence, I am molding your mind and cleansing your heart. I am recreating you into the one I designed you to be." Jesus Calling

Jude 1:24-25 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.


We have been molded and cleansed by Jesus our Savior and can now stand in God's Presence blameless! Great joy!

one thousand gifts
287. Asher, Kelly, and Andy home from the hospital
288. The Shores family together: Amelia, Asher, Kelly and Andy

November 9, 2011

be strong and courageous

"Sit quietly with Me, letting all your fears and worries bubble up to the surface of your consciousness. There in the Light of My Presence, the bubbles pop and disappear... Say to yourself, 'Jesus will be with me then and there. With His help, I can cope!' Then come home to the present moment, where you can enjoy peace in My Presence." Jesus Calling

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble of them, for the LORD your God is the One who is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

Most of our fears and worries are like bubbles--they have no substance. They will pop when we imagine Jesus being with us. Some of our fears and worries will become real, but Jesus has never failed us and He never will.

Today, let's be strong and courageous with Jesus by our side.

one thousand blessings
284. strength to drive home
285. Tom's vegetable soup
286. night of relaxing watching Grandma Lin and Amelia snuggle

November 8, 2011

Asher Thomas Shores

Asher Thomas Shores was born at 2:11pm on November 7, 2011.
He weighs 7lbs 5oz and is 20 1/4 inches long.
He has brown hair with lighter highlights.
His eyes now are a dark grey color.
He is absolutely adorable.
The only thing cuter is seeing his big sister, Amelia love on him.

difficult days

"Learn to appreciate difficult days... As you journey through rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything." Jesus Calling

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.


When difficult days come--God promises strength!

one thousand gifts
283. Asher Thomas, November 7, 2011 at 2:11pm
7 lbs 5 oz 20 1/4 inches

November 7, 2011


"Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. All true beauty reflects some of who I am. I am working My way in you: the divine Artist creating loveliness within your being." Jesus Calling

Psalm 29:2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in holy array.


Worship involves recognizing beauty as coming from God and giving Him the credit and the glory. That not only includes the beauty of this world, but the beauty of who we are and who we are becoming. Today celebrate the beauty that surrounds you and that is within you!

one thousand gifts
281. God's presence with Andy and Kelly while she is laboring to bring Asher Thomas into this
282. beauty; in the world and in us

November 6, 2011

pleasing God

"Seek to please Me above all else... Strive to please Me in everything... When My Presence is your deepest delight, you know instinctively what will please Me." Jesus Calling

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that seek Him.


Pleasing God. What pleases God? Faith! Faith in who He is and what His plan is for me. I please God when I walk closely with Him, delighting in Him, and loving Him.

one thousand gifts
277. sunny fall weather perfect for weeding
278. the flicker and aroma from my spice candle
279. Lin's visit
280. knowing that I please God

November 5, 2011

open the door

"You can live as close to Me as you choose. I set no barriers between us;
neither do I tear down barriers that you erect. "
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Revelations 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any-one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him...


God is a gentleman: He never comes into our lives until He has an invitation. How sad that I keep Him farther away than He wants to be. Today I want to open the door to Him in all my life.

one thousand gifts
275. one day closer to meeting Asher Thomas
276. Tom doing grocery shopping

*After I had published this post, I started to read Psalm 24. Verses 7 say this:
Lift up you heads, O gates. And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in!

November 4, 2011

walk peacefully

"Walk peacefully with Me through this day... You must traverse this day like any other: one step at a time... when you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way for you.

Psalm 29:11 The LORD will give strength to His people; the LORD will bless His people with peace.


walk peacefully!

one thousand gifts
272. continued care from Tom
273. chocolate milk shakes that soothe
274. peace

November 3, 2011

thwarted plans

"Every time something thwarts your plans or desires, use that as a reminder to communicate with Me... disappointments, instead of dragging you down, are transformed into opportunities for good... When you re-frame setbacks as opportunities, you find you gain more than you have lost." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.

Philippians 3:7-8 But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things , and count them but rubbish that I may gain Christ.


Disappointments are part of this life. God doesn't ask us not to feel disappointment or to gloss over loss. He asks us to come to Him, to communicate with Him about what we are feeling and why. He understands our disappointment over things that have not happened as we had hoped. He will share His heart with us--often letting us see His better plan. No this doesn't always happen immediately, but with time and trust we will see the gain of His plan.

one thousand gifts
269. yummy broccoli soup on a rainy day
270. a warm dry home
271. God's better plan for my life

November 2, 2011

weakness to strength

"Grow strong in the Light of My Presence. Your weakness does not repel Me. On the contrary, it attracts My Power, which is always available to flow into a yielded heart...Yielding yourself to My will is ultimately an act of trust. In quietness and trust is your strength." Jesus Calling

Isaiah 30:15 For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said, "In repentance and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength." But you were not willing.


"But you were not willing." Such sad words. God must get very tired of his people not trusting Him. How often does God wait with strength and the answer for my problems, but I don't go to Him in my weakness and trust Him to take care of me.

Today, I want to take all my weaknesses (physical, mental, spiritual) to Jesus and with a yielded heart trust Him to give me strength and care for me.

one thousand gifts
266. my nurse Tom
267. sunshine
268. rest and recuperation

November 1, 2011

don't be discouraged

"Don not be discouraged by the difficulty of keeping your focus on Me. I know that your heart's desire is to be aware of My Presence continually... I am delighted by your deep desire to walk closely with Me through your life. I am pleased each time you initiate communication with Me. In addition, I notice the progress you have made since you first resolved to live in My Presence."
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Hebrews 4:14-16 Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.


It is so easy to get discouraged on this journey called life. It is my hearts desire to keep my focus on Jesus, but I often am focused on everything but Him. Thank You, God, for Your mercy and grace.

one thousand gifts
262. sweet little cowgirl Amelia
263. Kelly's time of delivery coming soon
264. talking to Matt
265. mercy and grace