November 14, 2011

finished project

"Bask in the luxury of being fully understood and unconditionally loved. Dare to see yourself as I see you: radiant in My righteousness, cleansed by my blood. I view you as the one I created you to be, the one you will be in actuality when heaven becomes your home." Jesus Calling

Psalm 34:5 They looked to Him and were radiant and their faces shall never be ashamed.

II Corinthians 5:2 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we may
become the righteousness of God in Him.


Projects are often tedious. In 2009, I got a digital camera and started storing pictures on my computer. Matt suggested that since our photo albums were starting to fall apart, it would be a good idea to scan all of our old pictures also. That winter I scanned years 1979-1997 and then put away the project for the summer. Of course, last year we were in the process of
getting settled in after our move to Indiana, so I didn't do any scanning.

On Sunday, I decided it was time to work on this project again. Unfortunately, I hit a snag
almost immediately. I located the scanner, but could not find the cords. Tom and I looked
everywhere, but couldn't find them. Tom went on line and ordered a
new set that will be here in a few weeks.

my office while I am working on photo project:

I decided to at least get my pictures organized so that when the cords arrive, I will be ready.

boxes of photos that are already scanned:

box of photos that need to be scanned:
Second snag... I found a box with years 1998-2006, but I couldn't find the years 2007 and 2008. Now those years were pretty hard ones for our family, but I know that we took some pictures. Time to search again.

I found a box of pictures. Next snag... these pictures that are not dated. I began to sort through the box. There were many duplicates of pictures that I knew I had already scanned. So I threw those out. Then I found several pictures that were from 2007, but there didn't seem to be enough for that year and the next. By that time, I was exhausted and frustrated and decided to put the box away. I will save it until after I have finished copying all the other pictures that are dated and then I will try to deal with it.

box to deal with later:

Makes me so thankful that even though I see my life as a work in progress, God sees me as complete, perfect.

one thousand gifts
293. Dora the explorer, Amelia's favorite show
294. photos that remind us of precious moments
295. the finished project of me!

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