January 29, 2012

our words

I just finished eating at Don Pablo's. We went there for an early celebration of Tom's birthday tomorrow. We met Andy, Kelly, Amelia, and Asher. The food was yummy, especially the dessert!

Andy decided that since we were almost to the end of January, we should discuss how we are doing on our word for the year. Tom's word was devotion, Kelly's word was focus, Andy's word was opposites: work-rest, starting projects-finishing projects, etc.. (Matt's word is love, but he couldn't be with us for lunch), and my word was "healthy choices".

I like the idea of having a word for the year. Something that encapsulates what we would like to work on for the year. It feels less restrictive and easier to handle than resolutions. But the things that make it better for me than resolutions, are also the down fall of choosing a word. It seems much harder to quantify how you are doing. After all there aren't any concrete actions that you can check and say that you have done them.

I guess that is why that I have to have both, a word to encourage me and help me focus on my goal, and specific steps that I need to do to help me reach that goal. What are the difference from resolutions and my specific steps? To me a resolution is: I want to lose weight. Where my specific steps would be to eat low carbohydrate/high protein, to drink 8 glasses of water a day, to exercise 5 times a week.

Maybe this is all semantics, but so far this year focusing on making healthier choices and having my specific steps seems to be working for me. I have lost 10 pounds in January. I have gone back to church and joined a Bible study. I am keeping in better touch with Andy and Matt. Tom and I are communicating better.

How are you doing on your resolutions, words, or goals? I'd love to hear from you!

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