Today's devotion was about hope. Not the definition of hope that we usually associate with the word—wishful thinking, but the Biblical hope. The Greek word hope #1680 elpis (from the Greek word that means to anticipate with pleasure)means faith, hope, confidence. It is looking forward to what you know will happen. The hope that Christians have is eternal life with God, heaven.
We don't talk about heaven a lot these days. I'm not sure if it is because we in America have it too easy in our lives and we just don't have the need to think of a better place. Or maybe it is because we don't want people to think that the only reason to accept Christ is so that you can go to heaven... you know the heavenly insurance policy. Or maybe it is just that we don't talk about spiritual things at all. What ever the reason, it is very sad that we have lost our vision of heaven and maybe even some of our hope.
These are just a few of the scriptures from Revelations that talk about heaven: There are many more, but these were enough to get me seeing and hoping for heaven a little more today:
Rev 21:3 God and man will again live together
Rev 21:4 there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain
Rev 21:23 there is no need for other sources of light, just the glory of God
Rev 22:1 there will be the river of life flowing through it
Rev 22:3 we will worship God
Rev 22:3 no longer will anything be cursed
Rev 22:4 we will see God's face
There are many more scriptures about heaven, but these were enough to get me “seeing” and hoping for heaven a little more today!
One thousand gifts:
#10 my daughter-in-law discerning my need
#11 candles in canning jars the light of Jesus that lives in us
#12 the black and white cat sneaking through my garden
#13 the beautiful colors of God's creation:
white green
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