July 29, 2011
new chiropractor
July 27, 2011
Today's devotion was about hope. Not the definition of hope that we usually associate with the word—wishful thinking, but the Biblical hope. The Greek word hope #1680 elpis (from the Greek word that means to anticipate with pleasure)means faith, hope, confidence. It is looking forward to what you know will happen. The hope that Christians have is eternal life with God, heaven.
We don't talk about heaven a lot these days. I'm not sure if it is because we in America have it too easy in our lives and we just don't have the need to think of a better place. Or maybe it is because we don't want people to think that the only reason to accept Christ is so that you can go to heaven... you know the heavenly insurance policy. Or maybe it is just that we don't talk about spiritual things at all. What ever the reason, it is very sad that we have lost our vision of heaven and maybe even some of our hope.
These are just a few of the scriptures from Revelations that talk about heaven: There are many more, but these were enough to get me seeing and hoping for heaven a little more today:
Rev 21:3 God and man will again live together
Rev 21:4 there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain
Rev 21:23 there is no need for other sources of light, just the glory of God
Rev 22:1 there will be the river of life flowing through it
Rev 22:3 we will worship God
Rev 22:3 no longer will anything be cursed
Rev 22:4 we will see God's face
There are many more scriptures about heaven, but these were enough to get me “seeing” and hoping for heaven a little more today!
One thousand gifts:
#10 my daughter-in-law discerning my need
#11 candles in canning jars the light of Jesus that lives in us
#12 the black and white cat sneaking through my garden
#13 the beautiful colors of God's creation:
white green
July 26, 2011
Hearing God
July 25, 2011
Today's Thankfulness
One Thousand Gifts
God is so good and His plans are above and beyond anything that I can even imagine. I often have to just chuckle out loud at the way He makes all things come together at the right time.
I wrote yesterday about the daily reading and being thankful. Later in the day, I was reading some of my favorite blogs, Flower Patch Farmgirl wrote about hearing Ann Voskamp speak. Ann has written a book:
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
It is about her journey to becoming thankful and having joy. She was challenged to write down 1000 gifts that God gave her.
Can you see why I chuckle? When God wants me to learn something, He surrounds me with the message. He is definitely saying “BE THANKFUL!” I immediately ordered the book on my Kindle and have started to read it. So many good things that I have read already, but I will share more tomorrow.
July 24, 2011
July 23, 2011
Latest Project
With all this heat...temperatures in the 90's... I have had to put my gardening aside most days. I decided that it was time to work on a few inside projects instead.
I painted the kitchen table legs, chairs, stool legs, and buffet (really just a dresser) white. I really like the crisp look of the white in my blue kitchen. Of course, Tom had to point out to me that he was pretty sure that the table legs and the stool legs started out white. Yes, when we bought the table over 20 years ago, it did have white legs. Since then the legs have been a dark green and then an apple green. I just reminded him how lucky he is that he has a artsy- craftsy wife who has save him hundreds of dollars over the years by painting the legs to match our décor instead of buying new tables.
Then we got to laughing about the fact that we have had the table for over 20 years and it has a leg that doesn't match the other three. The funniest part is that we had the table for almost 10 years before we realized the leg didn't match. (You can see the two different kinds of legs in the photo... did you notice it?) Yes, we had eaten most of our meals on that table. We had taken it apart and put it back together 3 times that we had moved. We had to be told by someone else that it didn't match. So much for us being observant... but you got to admit we are frugal!!