January 8, 2011

Christmas Memories

My living room for the
next several days...

I never feel completely finished with Christmas until I scrapbook the memories. My sister, Pat, got me started in 1994 when she gave me a copy of "Christmas Memory Book" illustrated by Norman Rockwell.
To quote the first page:
"...Memories need a place to rest between the tellings, lest we forget Christmas Past. Keep your remembrances of love of family, the joy of friends and the warmth of good times. But more than just a place to store your memories, we hope this Christmas album will become part of your celebration of the joyous season-to-come as each year you read the stories, songs, and poems which tell the traditions of Christmas and instill us with its Spirit."
That "Christmas Memory" book was beautiful. It had a place to record favorite family recipes, traditions, the history of several songs and stories, and it held the memories of five Christmases.After 5 years I was hooked. The next Christmas I looked for a new copy of the same book and couldn't find it. Pat then again gave me a copy of different album called "A Christmas Diary." We didn't like the text and pictures as much in the new book, but we made do. I ripped out a few pages and covered some of the text with pictures.
By the time I was finished with the 2nd book (it also held 5 years) the scrap booking craze was in full bloom. I choose to just make my own album of memories. Now, 6 years later, I am on my second scrap book album! Like I said: I am hooked! It is one of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season to sit down and reminiscent. So many precious memories. It usually brings a few tears, seeing how much my boys have grown, remembering the different homes we have lived in, and mourning a little over my loved ones that I have lost.
I do have to confess that in January when I have finished buying new supplies, getting our photos copied, cutting, and gluing I am exhausted and promise myself that I will never scrap book again. Then the year passes and it's December again and I am shedding tears over my memories books and planning the theme for the present years entries.
So now you know why my living room is a scrap booking mess, why it will stay that way, and where you will find me!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to pop over and thank you for such a nice heartfelt comment on my blog. I so need the encouragement right now. Thank you!!!
