I love January. It's not the weather, although so far this year it hasn't been bad. No, it's because in January I go into an organizing and cleaning frenzy. I organize...my life, calendar, house.
I start by picking my word for the year. This year it is "renewal," which goes along well with my organizing and cleaning frenzy. I choose a system for reading the Bible through. I start a new prayer journal. I set some goals for the new year.
Next, I organize my new calendar. I put in information...birthdays, anniversaries, and phone numbers.
Then comes the organizing and cleaning of our house. This year I started in my office. The closet in my office contains paperback books, Bible studies, photographs (which I organized last year!), sewing things, crafts, vases, wrapping paper, and miscellaneous things that gather over time. I got rid of many paperback books since I now read my books on my IPad. I organized my sewing things and craft boxes. I organized my wrapping paper by putting the wrapping paper in a shoe rack that is turned on it's side to keep the paper from falling everywhere, put a nail in the wall to hang the gift bags, used baskets for ribbons and bows. I removed a small file cabinet that I wasn't using. Then I moved on to the rest of the room. I have kept my desk fairly organized so I put away the clutter gathered on top and dusted. I dusted the remaining furniture and baseboards. I then vacuumed. Office finished!
The next room I tackled was the kitchen. Our pantry is in need of cleaning and organizing, but I need to buy new containers...so I will work on the pantry later. I put away clutter. I wiped down the counters, cabinets, appliances, and baseboards. I vacuumed the floors and then mopped. Kitchen finished!
Next I will clean and organize the living room, dining room, and entry. Followed by the guest rooms, bathrooms, and master bedroom.
I wish I could say that I keep our house organized and clean the rest of the year, but that never happens. At least I start out right. I love January!
* I was going to include some before and after pictures, but I haven't figured out how to download pictures with my IPad yet.
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