December 26, 2010

Mary's Sanctuary... the beginning

Webster defines sanctuary as a holy place, a place of refuge or protection. The Bible uses sanctuary to refer to a place where God dwells. In the Old Testament sanctuary is “pictured” as the Tabernacle, even more specifically the Holy of Holies. Where God came down and lived among the Israelites. In the New Testament the “picture” of sanctuary is those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Our hearts become His sanctuary. The place where God dwells.

I can't comprehend what this truly means, but I do know that the One and Only God, the Alpha and Omega, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty One, the Sovereign Ruler of all the World comes in Spirit and lives with us. It is not religion I am talking about, but a relationship. The most intimate relationship that anyone could ever have. God with us, God in us. Emanuel.

God with me, God in me, Emanuel. So the truth is that my sanctuary is where-ever I am. It doesn't always feel that way. Often where I am is walking in this world. A world where people hurt me and where I hurt people... where there is pain and suffering... misunderstanding and strife. So how can I feel more of God's presence, safer, more protected, and holier(set aside for God)? That is some of what this blog will wrestle with... the sanctuary of God.

But there will be other “sanctuaries” written about in this blog. The sanctuary of family... creating a safe place for family. A place where we can live giving each other grace and mercy. A place to encourage. A place of rest and restoration. A place to heal and grow.

Then there will be things written about the “sanctuary” of friends. The need for safe friendships... where we can be ourselves. A place where we can be real and share our struggles and hurts with one another without condemnation. A place where we can share our triumphs and joys with one another and join together in celebration.

High expectations and goals for a blog written by a girl who is not a very good communicator. A girl who is dedicating the year of 2011 to “communications”... trying to become a better communicator: using words to express what I am feeling, what I am thinking, what I need. And learning to really listen. To not be already coming up with my response before the person has stopped talking. To not be defensive. To try to understand what the person is wanting to say. To ask questions. To not assume.

Could be an interesting year.

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