January 17, 2016

Bullet Journal

Andy talked me into trying a new system to journal, schedule, and organize. He has been using this way for over a year and really likes it. It is called Bullet Journal, http://bulletjournal.com/. Instead of using a printed calendar or planner, you use a blank notebook. I read and listen to the instructions, looked at a couple of other blogs about bullet journaling, and got suggestions from Andy...then I was ready to start.

I picked a note book that was graph ruled. The graph lines make it much easier to make monthly calendars and divide pages for weekly entries. I gathered my colored gel pens and was ready to start journaling. The best thing about using the Bullet Journal system is that it is totally personalized. I decide on the set up, what I want included, what works for me.

So far I have a title page, an index, 2016 future log, January calendar, weekly logs (Jan1-9, Jan 10-16, Jan 17-23), and goals for 2016. I have set up pages for: Bible Verses and Quotes, Give Thanks, Books Read, Projects, Prayers, and To Buy. Here is a sample...

It was a little "time intensive" at the beginning: setting up the journal, making pages, and the calendar, but I enjoyed the creative process. I have found a few small things that I will change in my future enteries, but am pretty pleased with the system so far. I'll update later on how it is progressing.

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