It has been almost ten months since I have blogged. Ten months that have been pretty dark for me. Depression has almost overwhelmed me. As if the depression wasn't bad enough, I started having severe episodes of virtigo...Leaving me pretty much housebound. And then there was this winter! Enough said!!
I want out of this rut. I want out of my house. I want my life back. I'm not sure how to accomplish this, but I think it is too big of task unless I break it down in to very small increments. Baby steps. Maybe even just a baby step at a time.
So for today my baby step is this blog!
Dear Mary Beth- as I frequently have checked your blog, and not seen any posts, please know that you have not been alone - you have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. May you hold tight to Him and may you know the depth of His love, strength and mercy. Lovingly, Mary Ann